Tuesday, October 7, 2014

When do defects in software testing arise?


Because of the following reasons the software defects arise:
  1. The person using the software application or product may not have enough knowledge of the product.
  2. Maybe the software is used in the wrong way which leads to the defects or failures
  3. The developers may have coded incorrectly and there can be defects present in the design.
  4. Incorrect setup of the testing environments.
To know when defects in software testing arise, let us take a small example with a diagram as given below.
We can see that Requirement 1 is implemented correctly – we understood the customer’s requirement, designed correctly to meet that requirement, built correctly to meet the design, and so deliver that requirement with the right attributes: functionally, it does what it is supposed to do and it also has the right non-functional attributes, so it is fast enough, easy to understand and so on.
Types of errors and defects - when do defects arise 

With the other requirements, errors have been made at different stages. Requirement 2 is fine until the software is coded, when we make some mistakes and introduce defects. Probably, these are easily spotted and corrected during testing, because we can see the product does not meet its design specification.
The defects introduced in Requirement 3 are harder to deal with; we built exactly what we were told to but unfortunately the designer made some mistakes so there are defects in the design. Unless we check against the requirements definition, we will not spot those defects during testing. When we do notice them they will be hard to fix because design changes will be required.
The defects in Requirement 4 were introduced during the definition of the requirements; the   product has been designed and built to meet that flawed requirements definition. If we test the product meets its requirements and design, it will pass its tests but may be rejected by the user or customer. Defects reported by the customer in acceptance test or live use can be very costly. Unfortunately, requirements and design defects are not rare; assessments of thousands of projects have shown that defects introduced during requirements and design make up close to half of the total number of defects.

What is Agile model – advantages, disadvantages and when to use it?


Agile development model is also a type of Incremental model. Software is developed in incremental, rapid cycles. This results in small incremental releases with each release building on previous functionality. Each release is thoroughly tested to ensure software quality is maintained. It is used for time critical applications.  Extreme Programming (XP) is currently one of the most well known agile development life cycle model.
Diagram of Agile model:
Agile model in Software testing
Advantages of Agile model:
  • Customer satisfaction by rapid, continuous delivery of useful software.
  • People and interactions are emphasized rather than process and tools. Customers, developers and testers constantly interact with each other.
  • Working software is delivered frequently (weeks rather than months).
  • Face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication.
  • Close, daily cooperation between business people and developers.
  • Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design.
  • Regular adaptation to changing circumstances.
  • Even late changes in requirements are welcomed
Disadvantages of Agile model:
  • In case of some software deliverables, especially the large ones, it is difficult to assess the effort required at the beginning of the software development life cycle.
  • There is lack of emphasis on necessary designing and documentation.
  • The project can easily get taken off track if the customer representative is not clear what final outcome that they want.
  • Only senior programmers are capable of taking the kind of decisions required during the development process. Hence it has no place for newbie programmers, unless combined with experienced resources.
When to use Agile model:
  • When new changes are needed to be implemented. The freedom agile gives to change is very important. New changes can be implemented at very little cost because of the frequency of new increments that are produced.
  • To implement a new feature the developers need to lose only the work of a few days, or even only hours, to roll back and implement it.
  • Unlike the waterfall model in agile model very limited planning is required to get started with the project. Agile assumes that the end users’ needs are ever changing in a dynamic business and IT world. Changes can be discussed and features can be newly effected or removed based on feedback. This effectively gives the customer the finished system they want or need.
  • Both system developers and stakeholders alike, find they also get more freedom of time and options than if the software was developed in a more rigid sequential way. Having options gives them the ability to leave important decisions until more or better data or even entire hosting programs are available; meaning the project can continue to move forward without fear of reaching a sudden standstill.