Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Running the Test Plan

To run the test plan you can go to Run menu -> Run or press ctrl + r. To indicate that the test is running a green square lits up in the upper-right-hand corner. After selecting "stop" as well the green light remains on unless and until all test threads exit. Furthermore the total number of currently active threads is indicated by the numbers to the left of the green square. The green square will change to grey Once JMeter  finishes running your Test Plan. You can also stop the test plan in between by selecting Shutdown or Stop from the Run menu.
A file which you want to save the results for in your listener could be opened in any visualizer. The results will be displayed according to the visualizer itself. However you can open the same file in more than one visualizer because during the test run the JMeter will ensure that no sample is recorded more than once to the same file.

Configuring JMeter
The properties of JMeter can be modified by implementing changes in the jmeter.properties in the /bin directory or you can also develop a copy of jmeter.properties on your own by specifying it in the command line.
Some more JMeter properties can be defined in the file as defined by the JMeter propertyuser.properties having the default value user.properties. If the file is in the current directory then it will automatically get loaded. In the same way you can update the system properties fromsystem.properties.
 Attribute Description Required
 remote_hosts Comma-delimited list of remote JMeter hosts. You need to list the         machines where you have JMeter remote servers running because then you will be able to control those servers in a distributed environment from this machine's GUI. NO
 not_in_menu With the help of this you can customize your JMeter by allowing only those components to display which you want to by listing their classname or their class label. NO
 user.properties Addition JMeter properties are contained in this file and are added before the -q and -J options are processed and after the initial property file. NO
 xml.parser The default value is: org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser. An implementation can be specified as XML parser. NO
 search_paths This displays the list of paths to search JMeter add-on classes by JMeter such as additional samplers which is in addition to the jars kept in  lib/ext directory.   NO
 system.properties This contains additional system properties which are added before the -S and -D options are processed. NO
 user.classpath A path to be searched for utility classes by JMeter in addition to jars kept in lib directory. NO
 ssl.provider If you don't require the built-in Java implementation then the class can be specified by you for your SSL implementation. NO

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